S&S Lawn Care LLC
Just a little about myself so you actually know who you will have on your property. I grew up in Mt. Juliet Tennessee and have been a Wilson county resident my whole life. I graduated from Mt. Juliet High School. After high school, I worked for the Department of Homeland Security for almost ten years, volunteered for two years as a reserve Deputy at the Wilson County Sheriffs Department and also did work in fugitive recovery and bail bonds. I now have a beautiful wife and two adorable children. They were the reason I made a career change away from law enforcement and into lawn and landscape. My passion and experience in turf management and landscape stems from high school baseball days where we were always responsible for grounds maintenance, proper mowing, landscape, edging out the infield and many other field duties. Two years ago I started S&S Lawn Care LLC and my family and I hope to gain your trust and business for many years to come.